I think it's very important because, as you mentioned, we are living in the age of digital revolution. Our economy is more driven by information--getting information, timely information, using it, and employing it is necessary and can give you great competitive advantages. If the system, however, gets corrupted by spam or phishing or people installing software on your computer so that it becomes unreliable, it can have a major negative impact.
When we first built railroads, we brought in all sorts of rail acts in order to ensure where railways could go and that they would have rights of way. You couldn't interrupt the signals, etc., because having decent railway connection was the main driver of the economy of the country and nothing should interfere with it. Think of that and transfer that to the Internet. You really want to make sure that you have a fast, efficient, reliable Internet that doesn't get monkeyed around by people who do so for whatever motives drive them. They're not economic motives.