There are several points.
First of all, I want to make sure it has maximum efficiency. We live in North America. We have an integrated economy. That's a fact. We have to deal with it. That's why I want to be able to exchange this information across the border.
Second, with respect to the information that we exchange specifically, we don't have to do it, we just have the power to do it. Nobody can force us to do it. If the FTC asked us, we would look at it. We obviously would check to make sure that it fell within the act. If it did, we would do the investigation. If we found there was something that potentially was in violation, we would give it to them. They could only use it for the purposes for which we sent it, which would be with respect to a civic penalty, nothing else. They could not use it for anything else. That's the provision under which we would give it to them.