If we can make it a little more specific to the situation we have now, I've been looking at what has been suggested and how things have been playing around, and they haven't been overly clear. I'm drawing a picture in my mind and I want to know if this is a plausible outcome.
If you look at Nortel as it stands, it has a number of corporate tax credits and SR and ED tax credits sitting there--real assets--probably worth more than the company is worth if they had a profit. If a company like Nortel were to dispose of some assets so it could build up some capital, start turning a profit, and use those tax credits, it could conceivably start building again and become a viable company.
It has these assets, has leased them out, and has revenue. Under what's happening now, would creditors and pensioners still be on the line or owed the money if that company, like Nortel, were to resurrect and start turning a profit based on the remaining assets within that company?