Thank you. Perhaps we'll come back to some of these points later on.
I would like to begin a second question on financial support. You very clearly said that Nortel could not avail itself of SR and ED credits for its CDMA and LTE technology, and therefore there was no direct investment.
I am very interested, on behalf of the government and taxpayers, in knowing the big picture on financial support going back quite some time, because Nortel became a very big player. I think we need to get some idea of the financial assistance that has been provided to Nortel going back a few decades, because it's all part of a long progression. Have SR and ED credits been used in other areas of technological development other than CDMA and LTE? Has EDC financing been used by Nortel over time? Have other forms of government financing, such as TPC and DIP, been made available? I want to get a sense of how much investment has been made by the government.
I realize you may not have those figures at hand, but we would ultimately like to get a sense of that to know to what extent the government has been involved in the financing and development of Nortel.