Well, the first thing that happens when you have the kind of growth that we've been blessed with—I mean, you're talking about more than a decade where your average growth is 80% a year—of course, is that it really helps the local economy, and then it starts generating taxes to help the entire country. I think that's important.
The second thing that happens is that all the local businesses and suppliers and then all the suppliers in that country find themselves in a position to be supporting and supplying. Remember, we also manufacture a large number of our BlackBerrys here in Canada, which is quite unique in this business, in this industry, and it helps that environment. But we've also had lots of spinoff technologies. You know, there have been companies, there have been individuals, just like at Nortel, who have left the company and started their own. We've witnessed a number of those. We're also witnessing a lot of other companies who have found that building on top of the BlackBerry platform has been very, very successful for them.
And then, of course, you know—I think this is something we forget—the cellular pioneers in this country, who bet on BlackBerry ten years ago or more, have had great success in the wireless digital age that we find ourselves in today. I mean, a lot of other countries and a lot of other carriers would be envious of the kind of success they've had.
So it has definitely supported the widespread industry in Canada.