Mr. Lake, if I could respond to that, as part of the stalking horse process and ultimately the auction, a minimum of 2,500 jobs were committed as part of the transaction. It doesn't specify that that is the total number, but it specifies a minimum. Of those, approximately 800 jobs are located in Canada, the majority of them in the Ottawa area. About 80% of them are actually R and D jobs. Those jobs are split between the mature technology and the next generation technology.
So one of the things we've been trying to do is to ensure that the buyer not only has the resources to maintain the current technology but also has an opportunity to use the resources we have in Canada to help them develop the next generation, or LTE, technology. So one of the outcomes we feel particularly good about is that they've expressed an interest in that scope for those resources—the over 600 resources in Ottawa—which will give an opportunity for those employees to continue to develop and hone their skills and to have that work remain in Canada.