Okay. Very good.
There are some changes that you've recommended for the bill, and one of the concerns I keep hearing is the fact that it is too broad and it stops everything. By sending out such a large net, you basically block all communication back and forth.
What areas would you take out, if you had to take the legislation and look at specific areas to get rid of, so that you can allow some communications out? Earlier, we had people who sold financial products. They can't get hold of someone as far as a referral goes. There was some questioning on how you would word the legislation to allow that to happen, whether it was to name the person who referred or just to allow the person to refer directly. One of the concerns was that somebody gets a name and says that he or she has been referred to you. Where do they go from there, since they could send it out to millions of people with the push of a button? How do you stop that?