Thank you, Mr. Lake.
It's potentially reasonable, but here we've already recognized that there is a consumer expectation arising out of a purchase. This is a transaction. This isn't simply a matter of visiting a website or just receiving an e-mail; this is someone going and actually making a purchase. There is an expectation now that consumers would want to maintain some sort of relationship. It could be argued that this ought to be entirely an opt-in bill, but it's not, and it should not be. I think consumers would expect that they wouldn't have to go through the friction of providing express consent at their first purchase. Otherwise, this implied consent section wouldn't be here in the first place.
All I'm suggesting is that if we're going to have an implied consent regime, which I think is entirely reasonable and matches consumer expectations, it ought to match their expectations on the back end as well, which is to suggest that at 17 and a half months, there's not a barrage of e-mails coming in by sellers trying to maintain their buyers, but rather that it more appropriately matches product cycles and product life cycles.