I think that's fair. I think you've been upfront, Mr. Masse, with identifying that as one of your concerns with the agreement. From our perspective, inasmuch as we can't bind our members to the CASIS agreement, neither can Mr. Brazeau nor Mr. Finch bind their members to the agreement.
At the end of the day, we have to rely on the good faith of the companies that are involved. The member companies, whether they be my members or Mr. Wilson's members, have each provided a letter of endorsement from their CEO saying they are committed to uphold the provisions of the CASIS.
Could a company at some point change its mind and say it doesn't like it and pull out? I suppose that's possible, but I know in my own organization these decisions weren't taken lightly. They weren't necessarily made in Canada. They were made in other jurisdictions around the world. It's not just a Canadian decision that's been made.
With respect to new entrants, that's also a valid concern and one that you have raised with us before. I think what will happen is that any new entrant coming to the marketplace is going to join either my association or Mr. Wilson's association, and a requirement of joining the association would be that you have to sign onto this agreement and participate likewise.