My question is simple: do you think we need to limit that compensation? I am not so sure that any executive is worth $12 million, $10 million, $25 million or $30 million, especially when you consider that in times of trouble, it is the poor workers who end up paying the price, who have to tighten their belts and endure pay cuts. Not to mention the fact that if the company does go bankrupt, the executive will get his money, but retirees take a direct hit to their pension fund. They will no longer have a pension fund. Do you think we need to set a cap?
We are talking about shareholder transparency. As I read in the act, shareholders have absolutely no say in terms of salary. When you talk about transparency, I think that is important. For instance, if I have shares in a company, I should be able to know how much the executives are paying themselves. If they are giving themselves $10 million, I want to know, because I do not make that kind of money, and I don't think that everyone involved in the stock market does either, and company employees are paying the price. Should we limit the salaries of executives?