Sure, I appreciate that, but it has shot down my questions pretty quickly. That's okay. I understand. I don't mean any criticism.
I'll try one more, then. To both again, this is something a little more direct, on pensions. According to the OECD guidelines, where a pension insurance plan does not exist—and I'll quote from here—it says there should be a “priority position for due”—and I can see the answer coming already—“and unpaid contributions...equal to at least the position of due and unpaid taxes...”. In some countries they'd call that super-preference.
The guidelines recommend that “priority rights may also be appropriate for underfunded pension commitments...that are the responsibility of the plan sponsor”, depending on whether a guarantee scheme exists and the likely impact on credit availability.
I am interested in your comments on the issue of according super-status, especially regarding unfunded pension liabilities, and how this might affect bankruptcy laws. Again we're into that other area.