Thank you very much for coming here before us today on this important issue.
I just want to start by talking about how before the end of the last break, we had the opportunity to go and do a tour in Edmonton of some of the homeless facilities, some of the facilities that deal with addiction issues and some of the other challenges there. And in one of the places I went to I talked with one of the employees there who just really expressed very passionately the ability of these faith-based organizations—but not just faith-based organizations, any NGOs—to deliver things in a different way than government, I guess in a sense. And this was at the Hope Mission that I was touring and they do some tremendous work.
As we think of the challenges faced by so many organizations, the issue of simplification comes up. People shouldn't have to be lawyers to serve on boards and contribute to the community, and I think oftentimes the feeling is that things are so complicated you almost have to be a lawyer just to be able to contribute.
So if you could speak to the simplification, how will life be simpler for organizations if we pass this act?