Looking at the five recommendations for improvement from Imagine--for example number three, number four to some extent, and number five--it seems to me that we're just talking about some housekeeping in terms of those things. They don't seem overly substantive.
Regarding the remedy section, it seems to me that if the bill were to pass as is, based on what you're saying here, you could probably solve that problem simply through your organization being representative of other organizations by putting on your website a catalogue of remedies in one place that they could refer to if they had to.
I want to come back to the two-tier approach, the soliciting versus non-soliciting. I want to get some clarification. Most people would see the need for accountability for organizations that are raising money. Further to Mr. Warkentin's point, it doesn't seem to make sense to hold organizations that aren't asking for money from other people, from members of the public, to the same standard.
Are you suggesting that there should be less accountability, that looser standards should be in place for everybody?