Thank you very much.
Thank you to both organizations for presenting before us today. It certainly is an important piece of legislation, and one that I understand has come before this committee and the House on numerous occasions, so I appreciate the fact that you're both in general support of the legislation, but you do have some concerns.
I want to speak to those concerns, if you wouldn't mind. I want to ask a couple of questions with regard to the membership issue. Both of you had addressed this issue.
I did take the opportunity, last week, to speak to the minister concerning membership and the “one member, one vote” kind of concept that the bill contains. I was given assurance that each corporation has to decide what voting rights will exist for its members—I understood that quite clearly—and that you could have everybody vote, or you could have nobody vote. It's “structure it yourself”. I'm using the exact term that I received, and of course that's in the public record.
I want you to speak to the issue that I know Imagine Canada has.
Also, Mr. Reid, you commented on the interaction between directors and members and some of the concerns about membership. I want to ask specifically--if what I'm understanding is that you will have maximum flexibility around memberships--what your further concerns are, noting what was said last week to us.
Thank you.