I've given lectures and short courses in probably a dozen countries in South America, the Middle East, and Asia. In July, I'll be in China interacting with MBA students for a couple of weeks.
There is one thing that I would say about Canadians that's different from what I see globally, and I speak here of the experience at the Rotman School. Something like 87% of our 400 or so MBA students who graduate take jobs not in Canada, but Toronto. So from my University of Toronto experience, it seems that Canadians tend to like to stay in the Toronto area, and they don't really like to go global.
At the Rotman school, we now have a new course called an international study tour, where we take students globally. We take students to China for two weeks. We take students to India. I took students to Turkey and the United Arab Emirates and Jordan. Currently, we have 15 students in Brazil. The whole idea is to give these students an international perspective.
I think our students are very good, but they're not necessarily as adventurous as those I've seen in other countries.