I go back to the argument that if it is the case that the Canadian telecommunications companies are operating at a globally competitive level, there really wouldn't be room for foreign companies to come into Canada. On the other hand, if Canadian companies are not operating to an international standard, then what will happen is, consumers will have a wider variety of choice. So the first benefit we get is to get a wider variety of choice. Second, if foreign companies come in and are not able to provide lower costs or higher quality, individual Canadians will not switch from a Canadian provider to the foreign provider.
On the other hand, if a foreign provider comes into the Canadian market and is able to provide lower costs and/or higher quality, then you'll see switching. So I think the first benefit we will get is increased variety, an increased selection of choices; second, I believe we'll get higher quality and lower costs.
But thirdly and most importantly, and Professor Morck alluded to this, the enhancement in competition would drive innovation in that sector, and telecom is fundamentally different from many other sectors: it's critically important to all other firms in the economy. So the general benefit that Canadians would get is enhanced competitiveness, enhanced innovation across the entire economy, not just in telecom.
Thank you.