When you look at the broad economic data, increasingly we're seeing Canadian companies move beyond the traditional market, that being the United States. If you look back, the share of foreign investment, the share of all investment by Canadian companies operating outside of Canada, outside the United States, has been growing.
I think basically companies are moving to less traditional markets beyond the United States, beyond Europe, and moving into economies like Asia. So even though Canada still lags other countries in terms of our depth of penetration in the global supply chains, what we do see is that companies that are doing well are companies that are looking beyond the traditional markets in the United States and Europe and going much beyond that.
I should say that about 40% of Canada's investment abroad is actually in finance and insurance, so financial services. It's not just traditional manufacturing. A lot of it has to do with financial services and business services.
I should mention that I spent the last month in the United Arab Emirates, in Abu Dhabi. Actually, I went to a reception that we had put on by the Ontario government at the British Club in Abu Dhabi. There were many Canadian business people there. CMHC was there. There were a lot of Canadians there that were helping the United Arab Emirates build its infrastructure. I raise that because that's a market I know well. When you look at the industries that are doing well there--infrastructure, oil and gas, transportation, business services--you see Canadian companies there in a big way. There are 28,000 Canadians operating there, and those are the companies that I see that are doing well.