I'll make a few quick comments and maybe ask a few questions.
I feel like a 10-year-old boy. I remember back in 1969 when Apollo 11 went up. Perhaps I'm dating myself a little, but I'm thrilled. It's great to have you here. As well, I want to assure you that your loss of Mr. Garneau is definitely our gain. We're very pleased to have him.
One of the other comments I want to make is this. It was nice to hear about the cooperation that goes on. When I look at Canada, I see a lot of different nations coming to one place. Basically, the best of the world is concentrated here. What happens up in space is basically a projection of what happens in Canada. It was nice to hear about the cooperation and what was going on.
You talked about the numerous types of projects that are commonly funded or take place. How do the projects that are funded through the Canadian Space Agency through the grants and contribution programs align with the government's science and technology strategy? I'm looking for some type of an alignment that would explain it to people. Not everybody sees the value in this. Perhaps you can highlight that alignment.