I want to reiterate that the European Union now has competence in space. As a result of that, we had a first meeting in Prague last year, trying to debate what Europe should do in space exploration. It was decided that there would be a follow-up conference this year on October 21 in Brussels. The political level has given us a number of tasks concerning what we should debate at that conference.
One of the questions the European Space Agency asked us to explore with the European member states is the possibility of establishing a worldwide forum at the political level to debate the questions of space exploration. Again, this was a question asked; there is no decision yet, but I think that in Europe, at least, there is a will to establish such a forum so that every nation around the world can have its voice in this big program.
Of course, it will take a long time. Cooperation is not easy. Let's face it: if you are the sole decision-maker and you can decide everything on your own and you have the funds to do so, it's a lot easier than to have to sit around the table with 25 nations that all want to have their voices and their shares, but I think the benefits, in the long term, are really incredible, so I hope we will debate this question on October 21 this year in Brussels. I hope we will have a positive answer and can establish such a worldwide forum at the political level to discuss space exploration on a global level.