You said something important about exploitation, or rather exploration-- both words sound the same... You talked about answering some needs by going further to find new things. That is why international cooperation is required. Let us think about what happened in the past. I do not want to talk about philosophy of history but we may think of the wars fought because of our exploration and exploitation of resources on this planet. Of course, we should not to do that again, it should not become our objective. As a matter of fact, if it becomes our objective, it will mean that we feel we are beginning to lack resources. Considering the way we use the resources on Earth, our planet may start looking like a dried fruit a few decades from now. So, we would have to find resources elsewhere. That is why space exploration should be based on world cooperation. Let us not repeat elsewhere the wars of the past.
Many of the things you talked about have been done. Research has been carried out, things have been discovered and are being used today on Earth. One of the things you referred to is of special interest to me, your training program. You said that our population is more and more overweight, which has led you to set up a special training program. It is probably not something resembling the 5BX program developed for fighter pilots. Are those programs offered?