Okay. Well, it's hundreds of millions of dollars that is sitting out there that either is owed to consumers through the decision or also could increase broadband delivery. I just hoped that there would be a plan on that, and perhaps we can challenge the CRTC on it.
With regard to the foreign takeovers that could take place with regard to the expansion of the telco industry right now, you have a series of new entrants, the three new entrants that have come in. The CRTC presented that they expect that if we do more liberalization or open it up, there would actually be a consolidation of the industry. We've heard that in testimony here also.
What is your government doing to actually guarantee, though, that consumers are going to get better pricing and better servicing? If that's the intent, is there going to be a consumer bill of rights? What is going to protect the consumer out there to ensure that we don't just have either consolidation or several continuing players that have similar pricing, similar services, and still no real competition? How will that be managed?