Thank you, Chair.
Just to balance the discussion about corporate tax cuts, the reality right now is that we're actually borrowing money from the public, and we will be paying interest on it for years to be able to do that. It's a policy with the HST, as well, where $6 billion dollars is going to be borrowed and will have to be paid for until we get into surpluses and retire that debt.
So it certainly is something that Canadians think about. Businesses I know think this is a wrong type of policy, because if you're a manufacturer, for example, and you're not making any money right now, a corporate tax cut doesn't really do you any good.
But I don't want every one of my comments or questions to be an outright attack on the minister here, or to be perceived that way, so I do want to ask about the research and development review that is in the budget. There is a lot of interest in that out there, albeit quiet.
When will the terms of reference be available for that? Will the scope include the public and research councils? Has a date been selected for when that will come out for the public?