You are talking about the issue of monetary penalties. At present, the only mechanism is the laying of charges. In fact, our aim is to ensure compliance. That means that if cases of non-compliance arise, we wish to have a progressive application of the law. It is an important tool allowing us to impose fines in cases of negligence or inaccurate devices. However, in very serious cases, we would lay charges.
In those cases where administrative monetary penalties would be imposed, there would be mechanisms for appeal, which are written into the act. In such cases, certain circumstances are taken into account.
We have consulted other departments that have used this administrative monetary penalty approach. And based on our experience, there are very few appeals. The purpose of the administrative penalties is to give a clear message to retailers, namely that they have made a mistake and that they will receive a penalty but will not have a criminal record. Most of the time, it would appear that people pay, get the message and comply.
The law provides mechanisms for those wishing to appeal. This is therefore one of the mechanisms you mentioned and which allow people to defend their point of view.