No, I don't believe so.
First of all, we have built into the bill--and I'll use gas pumps as an example--that if any retailer could not get the pump inspected within a two-year period and can demonstrate that they've made every effort to do that, then they're going to be given an extra year to do so. Now, that doesn't mean we're going to do that carte blanche.
In terms of consumer choice, I am always surprised that in Canada people will drive 15 blocks to save a tenth of a cent on a litre of gasoline when you figure out how much that's cost them, but that's the fact. So if you choose to tolerate a loss of product from a station, that's your personal choice. Our objective here is to make sure you don't have to do that, and that is by ensuring that those pumps are accurate.
And we think that within two years that should happen. I don't know the exact data for the station you have in question, and we don't know how often that was inspected, but certainly our objective is to ensure that everybody is treated equally. In rural areas there are going to be issues in terms of travel. We hope to be able to identify enough ASPs to minimize that, but certainly we're not targeting rural versus urban or major versus independent. We're in the business of accurate measurement. It doesn't matter who does it.