And to me that's a real concern, especially once again that in... And I know the thought that if your pumps are habitually having trouble and they're identified to the public, you might lose business to competition. The fact of the matter is, gasoline is an essential product for consumers and for businesses, and there are lots of reasons people will put up with going back to a bad retailer, because they have no choice.
The Zehrs location in my area was flagged a couple of times for having improper measurement, but my wife still goes there because she gets the groceries, and the lifestyle we lead requires that as a convenience, so we'll accept the loss to go there. And it still hasn't deterred the retailer from that.
I'm still looking for a way that this isn't going to be passed on to the consumers. And when you look at the rural area in terms of consideration of the ASPs, the authorized service providers, for those in more isolated or less competitive markets, if they have poor practices, are they going to be punished or penalized in a way that might be different from other areas where there is greater competition?