I have to stop you there, Mr. Simard, as I do not have a lot of time.
Like me, you have read the long form, since you are here to give evidence on that very thing. You will have noticed that some of the questions in that form are the same ones that the provincial and federal governments ask me on my income tax return every year. What is more, that same questionnaire asks me to add the tax from both sources, which other provinces do not do. I have to add them. Do you think I should be put in jail and fined because I made a mistake in calculating my taxes? Do you think it is mandatory or voluntary? I have already provided that information voluntarily; the governments have it. Are they just too lazy to share the information, or am I really missing something in terms of what is mandatory and what is voluntary?
I have already provided that information in full: if I am to receive an old age pension, employment insurance or child care costs that I have paid out. I have given all of that information to the governments every year, along with my address, my telephone number and my postal code. I even told them who I was living with, how I was living and whether I was living with someone of the same sex. I have given that information every year. Why should I provide that information again today on a compulsory basis? Why would it not be voluntary? Since I have already given it, I will give it again. Do you not see voluntary participation as a good thing?