If debate has been exhausted, your motion will be put to a vote. The only other option you have is if somebody moves to extend the committee beyond five o'clock to a particular time. However, I advise you that the motion to extend the meeting beyond five o'clock is also debatable and amendable, so....
The long and short of it is that the veto that the government members have, if they so wish, is to continue this debate until five o'clock, at which point I will adjourn. The veto that opposition members have is that the six of you, in concert, have the majority on this committee. So both of you have a certain degree of control. In the interests of compromise, I think we need to arrive at a particular date. We've come to agreement on the decision to have a meeting. I think there's consensus that we should have a second day of meetings on this. The issue now is the date.
We have lots of time left, and--