I'm sorry. I have only a limited amount of time.
Of course, that's what the government has done. We have decided that there are going to be 10 mandatory questions and the rest are going to be voluntary, instead of the 40—I can't remember the exact number—mandatory questions and then the other thousands of questions that Statistics Canada asks that are voluntary. So that is precisely the decision we've made.
I would argue that, certainly with all of the statistical experts we have in this country, the expertise at Statistics Canada has been lauded by many during this debate. There is no question from our side in terms of that. Certainly we can find a better way to collect information than to threaten our most vulnerable citizens with fines and jail time. Certainly with all of this expertise we can find a better way to address this issue.
If Mr. McFarlane wants to comment, I'd be glad to hear his thoughts there.