You said no, okay. I trust you. You're a humble person. You're an honourable person. It's okay.
I have another problem. We're just talking now. Supposing the Boralex case is resolved—that the people there are able to resolve it. The fact is the resource is available on site, in Dolbeau. You don't even have to truck wood chips in from somewhere else. Supposing there is an agreement with Boralex. We have spent a lot of time talking about the Gatineau plant, but I also want to talk about the one in Dolbeau. If an agreement is reached with Boralex, would you be prepared to reopen the Dolbeau-Mistassini plant? You have abandoned the Gatineau plant; it is finished. However, if the issue with Boralex is resolved and the resource were available on site, would you be prepared to reopen the Dolbeau-Mistassini plant?