First of all, this vision is not based on a dream. It is based on a reality: the Government of Quebec wants to maximize fibre and reduce impacts.
This morning, we talked about green energy and the environment. Imagine that a log leaves Montreal bound for Ottawa. It has to be completely processed here, because of the cost. In our area, a log goes through the barking machine and then to the sawmill. The bark, called biomass, is stored. It's used to power a cogeneration plant. The log is processed into lumber and then all the small pieces can be reprocessed in a bladed-glued beam plant, and the wood can also be planed on site. As well, the chips that remain after these different stages of processing are sent across the river to the pulp plant. The bark is then shipped to the cogeneration plant and the chips are processed into pulp. Once that is done, the residue can also be processed into biofuel, ethanol or another form of energy; it can be used to produce electricity and even turned into pellets, which are in very high demand around the world. That is what is known as fibre maximization.
In our region, that complex is already almost completely in place. We feel that if we could do that, companies like AbitibiBowater would definitely find it worth their while. A case in point is black spruce fibre: the pulp can be used to enrich other types of pulp to produce a better quality paper than in China or in India. We believe we have everything we need to accomplish that here. If all the operations are carried out in the same place, transportation costs will be lower, there will be less pollution, and we will be using green energy.
At the present time, on a bole that's about 50 feet long, a company like AbitibiBowater will stop cutting at about 10 centimetres, or 4 inches, from the end and will leave whatever remains on the forest floor. It falls to the ground and isn't used. We say that biomass can be recovered and processed at this forestry complex. So, everything is in place.
As I said a little earlier, will AbitibiBowater do this? Are there developers interested in operating sections of this complex?
We were really expecting to receive a response from AbitibiBowater on September 14. Mr. Paterson partly answered this morning, and I believe we will be getting additional answers in the coming days.