What my brother has just described is exactly what we went through in Dolbeau-Mistassini. These people behave in exactly the same fashion. When they went ahead with the merger, they wanted to take control of the resource. At the plant, they operated in exactly the same manner. Cuts were made one after the other. They invested nothing. They presented figures to prove that the plant wasn't profitable. They didn't agree on safety issues, no more than they agreed on anything else. We were always able to prove to them that the plant was profitable. Finally, when they didn't know what to do anymore, they dug in their heels on the issue of Boralex.
I am convinced that this is a setup that was prepared before the merger with Bowater. They said to themselves that other companies had made investments in these plants before Bowater had acquired them, that the equipment was new and had value, whereas the facilities were not worth much. They also concluded that it was in their interests to shut those plants down and use the recent equipment for their plants—the ones belonging to Abitibi-Consolidated Inc. That is what happened.