To answer your question, the regime does what it can do. We do have a regime, the only one of the others in the world that has actually resulted in a shipment.
The reason there haven't been more shipments is not because of the structure of our patent regime and CAMR; it's because of all of the other problems and issues my colleagues have mentioned that make it very, very difficult to get medicines to the developing world.
It's not to say--and I hope I didn't leave you with that impression--that the one shipment is the only shipment of patented medicines, or copies of medicines, that has been sent to the developing world. There are lots of other mechanisms by which they're getting there.
Clearly there will be concern by some of the witnesses you'll probably hear from that more needs to be done. But the solution is not to open up the CAMR regime. That by itself won't result in any more shipments.