Chair, thank you again. I see that we may be within time, but maybe we won't.
The initial response in the short title has created an enormous amount of hardship and difficulty for a lot of people in the retail sector of gasoline, through no fault of their own, who do very good work. And as the evidence demonstrates very clearly, the numbers for compliance are relatively high. This is a very open industry and one that will be subject to a number of constraints.
I'm suggesting that this be changed, and that the act be cited as the Consumer Confidence in Measurements Act. We've gone through the plenum of trying to do this in other areas. Perhaps this will obviate the need, Chair, at some point to have Mr. Cotton et al. come before the committee to explain the other areas where the compliance isn't as high.
I think this is in the spirit of trying to target something that's pro-consumer, as opposed to anti-retailer of gasoline.
Thank you, Chair.