Chair, this is really a response to the intention of the bill, which has been raised many, many times.
For the purposes of members, in clause 6, in proposed paragraph 29.1(a), and I'll read this into it:
provision designated under paragraph 29.1(a), and who fails to remedy the contravention within 30 days,
You'll read in this particular section, Chair, that the purpose of the legislation is not to punish but in fact to seek compliance. This is very much in the spirit of that.
Chair, I raise this issue because more often than not, if a pump is out of skew it is not necessarily because someone has gone and made it so, but that mechanical or electronic devices may and can break, and as a result of overuse or underuse there may be a number of reasons this happens. But to ensure that there is in fact compliance, rather than giving the person a penalty, or publishing a name, or a panoply of other administrative penalties, this gives the operator, the retailer, up to 30 days to comply before a violation is deemed to have taken place. That seems to me to be in keeping with the stated objective, if I can find it here, of the legislation.
Proposed subsection 29.11(2) is not to be amended by anything that we have said here, and would continue to read:
The purpose of a penalty is to promote compliance with this Act and not to punish.
I made it very clear as to why, the intent, the purpose. I have been concerned by the fact that this is legislation that seeks to find damages where they do not exist or where it's questionable that they exist. I've demonstrated that the level of compliance is here. The Measurement Canada report and the earlier report by the Ottawa Citizen, which no one seems to be able to take ownership of, as to where it came from.... With a level of compliance of 93.11%, it makes it second-highest in the list of sectors and industries I've looked at. We've pointed out that electricity is at 74%. There are many others that are well below the 93.11% threshold.
I point out, Chair, that the only industry that I have here that is anywhere near what the retail gasoline industry has done as far as accuracy is in fact honey and other apiary.... So I would suggest that this is very much in keeping with an attempt to find a balance, to strike that balance. We're going to remove the criminal sanction, which creates a number of barriers to trying to find, as the witnesses from Measurement Canada have pointed out, an administrative monetary penalty. We have to be absolutely sure we're seeking compliance, not punishment.
Thank you, Chair.