One of the other interesting aspects that has been proposed is that there would be this conspiracy theory that we're undermining the transparency, the policing mechanisms, and the accountability.
You have to come up with some scenario where there would be a generic producer that would illegally act and then provide medicines to people with another country, and then a pharmaceutical company would oppose that, and then take us all away to a WTO challenge. So they would be protesting the treatment of people, I suppose, with these drugs, which would be an interesting public relations issue.
I asked the department for the evidence that a generic company would be out there to basically produce these drugs and then have them back into the commercial market, creating some type of scheme.
Can you maybe provide some highlight about how when the dispersement takes place what properties are in place to make sure the medicines actually get to their intended targets--the children, the men and women--and how difficult the scheme would have to be to basically produce these drugs and then reroute them through commercial means away from people, which once again for the generics would be quite a significant public relations scandal?
This is a theory that's been proposed to us by the departments.