The bill before us, you readily admit, is not the perfect silver bullet or panacea, but you have said it's a step in the right and very important direction. You've both offered the one-licence solution.
I'm wondering why in all of this we didn't take into consideration the possibility of untangling the complex nature of these agreements between the patent holder and those seeking generic products to provide to Africa through compulsory licensing, and why the federal government wouldn't itself be the one administering, negotiating, and ensuring a streamlined process so that we could actually target the countries we wish to help. Admittedly we are not going to help all of them, but we could do a much better job at the one or two that we would pick. Has any thought been given by either one of you to the possibility of the federal government actually working with a brand-name company, and assigning a generic company then, if possible, to deploy the necessary medicines under a compulsory licensing regime?