The thing that concerns me is that while we want the same thing, we recognize there are issues. I think the issues you're talking about, the things we need to address, we can probably have a common conversation around, with agreement on many things. What we've heard from the experts—and keep in mind that the government experts who were before us at the previous meeting aren't partisan experts, they were people who were the experts under the Liberal government and they're the same people who are the experts under the Conservative government—from four different departments was that they were adamantly opposed to this bill, saying the bill would accomplish virtually nothing and yet would have untold unintended consequences. And that's very concerning to me as a member of Parliament.
Again I come back and I'd just like you to comment if you could on the health question I asked. Does it not concern you that under C-393 we would have a regime whereby drugs are being approved by a country in Africa and having no approval process subject to the same considerations that a Canadian using those same drugs would be subject to?