Yes, the second question, yes.
There is, I think, a somewhat simplistic mischaracterization of what the bill would do on this question of ensuring the safety and quality of medicines. The first thing I should say is, as an advocate for treatment for people, I want people to get good quality medicines. I don't want people to get substandard medicines. That would defeat the entire purpose.
The bill as proposed would preserve Health Canada review of any drugs that are being exported as one option, one pathway to ensuring that the product that is being exported is of good quality and is safe. However, it adds other pathways to achieving that objective, including for example the World Health Organization's pre-qualification program, which is actually supported in part by Health Canada with technical assistance. It was set up by the WHO as a program specifically to provide assurances to countries that the manufacturers and the products they were getting have met quality standards. That's why it's there. Many developing countries--