As we've already discussed, the one attempt by Apotex to discuss a voluntary licence, which we're willing to undertake with them, did not come to fruition.
Our main activity is global. We do a number of different things in terms of trying to meet the needs, and I think I've touched on some of them. We have voluntary licences with eight manufacturers in sub-Saharan Africa alone. Those eight manufacturers delivered 270 million tablets of antiretrovirals into sub-Saharan Africa.
You compare that to the 15 million tablets out of Rwanda, and that's just GSK. I know Pfizer, Abbott...every other company has their own way of moving forward and specifically working with generics.
That's just one piece we do, whether it's not-for-profit pricing, partnerships with the Gates Foundation and the like, partnerships with other parts of the UN.
That's one specific around generics globally.