Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Bonjour à tous. Welcome to meeting number 41 of the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology.
We are going to be doing a clause-by-clause review of Bill C-393 today.
Before I begin, I'd like to introduce our experts from the public service who are with us today. We have with us Colette Downie, director general, marketplace framework policy branch, Department of Industry; Rob Sutherland-Brown, senior counsel, legal services, Justice Canada; and Mona Frendo, director, patent and trade-mark policy directorate, Department of Industry. From the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, we have with us Edith St-Hilaire, director, intellectual property, information and technology trade policy division. Finally, from the Department of Health, we have Lisa Lange, associate director, bureau of policy, science and international programs, therapeutic products directorate.
Thank you very much for joining us today and giving us your expertise as we proceed to this bill.
Mr. Wallace.