Section 21.16 of the Patent Act presently describes the obligation on the authorization holder to provide the patentee or patentees, as the case may be—and it was that case in the Apotex example—as well as the Commissioner of Patents with a copy of the agreement. So once the agreement is signed with an importing country or user to supply a particular drug to a particular country, that's the obligation that appears. Currently in the Patent Act, under section 21.16, it's an obligation to provide a copy of the contract, basically.
Clause 13 of Bill C-393 would change the section. It would eliminate the requirement that the agreement to supply include the name and the particulars of the authorized product for export, the name of the country, and the name of the drug purchaser as applicable. It would remove a number of pieces of information that would have to be provided. It's of concern because, when read with other changes in Bill C-393, it would reduce the transparency in the system.