I think the bill recognizes that third-party referrals are a difficult area and certainly are something that could be used by those who want to spam individuals. We recognize that the legislation does require, perhaps, a change in business models for the kind of situation you described, but would suggest that kind of situation could be handled by having the family member contact the real estate agent, as opposed to the real estate agent contacting the family member.
Clearly, what the legislation is trying to do is not allow a third party to give express or implied consent on behalf of another person. In the situation you described, someone might say that's a very legitimate marketing practice, but you can imagine that if the bill allowed someone else to give consent on my behalf, it is wide-open, from a spam perspective, to allow that to be widely used.
We do recognize that in some instances business models will have to change to accommodate the new legislation, but we think it's practical, reasonable, and necessary to obtain the objectives of the bill.