Thank you for the question.
The bill before you does very much reflect the previous Bill C-27, ECPA. The changes that were made, other than the two that I mentioned in my opening remarks, were made as the result of a careful review of the bill after the House was dissolved. For example, it was noticed in a number of areas that the French version of the bill was missing concepts that existed in English. There are maybe three or four of those types of amendments that correct the French-language version to reflect the English.
There was also, for example, an amendment that was made at committee to clause 8, which deals with.... Let me just look at the bill. Sorry. We added the provision for someone who is receiving the electronic message to consent to a change of the alteration of the transmission data, but that change should have been mirrored in clause 12, which allows someone to withdraw their consent, and that was missed. So the drafters noticed that in order for the parallel amendments to make sense under clause 8, we needed to make an amendment under clause 12 as well.
Similarly, a number of the amendments dealing with the changes to the Competition Act needed to be modified to make sure they were consistent with other provisions in the Competition Act--for example, reference to reviewable conduct, as opposed to just a contravention under the act.
So we took the opportunity when the House was dissolved to make sure that there were no other changes to the bill that were required. You will recall that there were a number of changes made the last time, and it was important that we took the time to make sure that the parallel changes were reflected all the way through.