First of all, thank you to the witnesses for being here.
I only have a minute or two, so I'd like a clarification. I appreciate the mover of the motion indicating that it is not retroactive, as is presently stated, so that those in the room who are thinking this is a panacea for Nortel issues will know it's not the case.
The other part of the bill on which I need some clarification from the witnesses....
Ms. Urquhart, it's nice to see you again. I'm on the finance committee, so I see you a lot.
One of the issues for me is that the bill talks about super status. Others talked, as I think you did in your presentation, about preferred status. There are four levels: there is super, there is secured creditor, preferred, and then the rest of the gang, including corporate bonds and suppliers.
Does your evaluation change at all based on the status that the bill reflects? The bill reflects super status at the present moment.