The short answer, if there's very little time left, which I guess there is, would be to take a look at what other countries are doing. I think in many areas, Canada represents best practice as far as the protection of pensioners is concerned. There are other models.
There are, unfortunately, no magic wands to be waved to prevent something such as we saw in the markets over the last couple of years. I would say that, in terms of how much time we should wait to see, the issue here really is that if interest rates remain low—at the historically low levels that they are right now—we're going to have an awful lot of problems in this country, and the ones we've seen so far will only be the tip of the iceberg.
There was a report a few days ago about the massive unfunded deficit in public sector defined benefit pension plans, which are in effect more pay as you go. So I think in terms of the defined benefit private sector plans that this bill is intended to address, as I say, the changes that have already been made have significantly improved protection for pensioners. Yes, some of those effects will be felt as the measures are implemented over the next few years. I think if Parliament wants to take a look at what other countries have done in this situation, it might find some useful examples for us to follow.