It's a difficult one. You come out of school and want to work for a good employer. You plan to work for that employer for the rest of your life because it's a company with a good pension plan and those kinds of things. Unfortunately, with the way the markets have changed, investment opportunities, etc., have all forced companies to be somewhat less loyal to their employees, so now the employees have to start looking out for themselves.
When I was with Nortel, you always thought the company had your best interests at heart. It's very clear at this point that those best interests were where the money and the shareholders and other things were. Employees have to watch out for that and be able to survive that kind of thing, because there are no other mechanisms. EI, obviously, isn't the case.
Anybody who worked for Nortel was almost a fanatic about being at Nortel. You were fully invested in the company. I know people who gave up their marriages and other things to work overtime for Nortel. They just pillaged their lives because they were so invested in that company. Unfortunately we were multiply invested. We had stock options, RRSPs, retirement savings, etc., all in Nortel, so if anything, we were more than three times affected by this.