Thank you. I have just one very quick statement.
The bill asks you to pick a particular party and assign them the most importance in a bankruptcy situation. We understand the reasons for that, but you don't know the other parties in the bankruptcy situation and you don't know whom you're jumping ahead of in the queue. I would say that in most cases in Canada, you're jumping ahead of ordinary Canadian investors. Their money may be in mutual funds and various other devices, but it's the ordinary retail investor whose money is involved, and you're jumping ahead of them.
You don't know the consequence of this bill. If you pass it, you don't know what it will do, but I'm an investor; I know very well what the risks are. I calculate them carefully. When you change the risk profile, I'm going to change my behaviour. It would be reckless for this committee to pass the bill unless you did a very thorough examination of what impact it will have on capital markets.