Thank you, Mr. Sweet.
I'd like to agree with Mr. Masse that there is no urgency to pass this right now, which I think is very clear. The Nortel people will not be affected by this. It's not like the situation when we started this. Some of the facts we have received have changed things, or some of the issues that have arisen--or “clarifications” given, I guess, for lack of a better word--have changed my impression of what the bill is about. I'd still like some clarification on it; otherwise, this bill could change quite a bit, basically changing the whole pension system in Canada in one fell swoop. It's almost like we were doing it on the back of a napkin, because it's one short little bill that changes absolutely everything.
So I'd like the bill to be well thought out. If we're going to do something right, let's make sure it's done right and permanently, so it affects pensioners and workers in the right way, and doesn't hurt both. So I think it needs more study.