Let me just deal with these ones first and then the discussion that's going on on these.
I appreciate the comments of our professionals here that they're really intended as housekeeping. There were some parts of the bill that needed clarification, and that's what these are intended to do. I don't know if it changes the scope of the bill when in fact the bill may not have been entirely clear. There certainly were differing opinions as to what a particular clause meant, so this is a clarification of that, with the exception of clause 6, which of course we would eventually be voting on. Clause 6 is the part that requires the royal recommendation, and of course we'd be voting on that separately. So they're really housekeeping.
I'd like to say that in terms of amendments, we have made every effort, particularly in the last couple of days, to be able to adjust this bill in a certain fashion that would be more acceptable certainly to the witnesses we heard, and not just the witnesses who are in favour of my bill, but those who are not, and to come to some agreement as to a bill that would be better. I think that's what Canadians expect us to do. They expect all MPs to sit down when a bill gets to committee and work on that bill to come up with a bill that's better. We did attempt to do that a couple of days ago with a notice of motion to deal with another article.
In fact, Mr. Garneau, that would have changed the scope of the bill, so we needed to have that motion before the House. Unfortunately, the Conservative House leader didn't agree that this was something he would allow, so we didn't have that opportunity to make a change to deal with the secured status, or preferred status, or whatever it would have been. It was most unfortunate that this happened. We were hoping for unanimous consent and didn't get it. In fact, it was indicated that the bill would disappear if we went ahead.
We found that most unfortunate. That certainly goes against the spirit of what I believe should happen in committee, that we listen to all the concerns. The whole idea is that we hear witnesses and we listen to those witnesses, we take into account what those witnesses have to say, and then we make a better bill.
To answer your question, Mr. Lake, there were some other things that we were hoping to do with this bill. We were unable to do that. The amendments that you see here are the ones we're talking about today and the only ones that we have coming forward.