Well, I've been listening to all of the presentations. I've been here at all of those committee meetings, except one, and I've read all of the transcripts.
I am absolutely appalled--and that's the word I'm going to use, “appalled”--that businesses say that they cannot keep their commitments to their employees for business reasons, for increased credit.
The other point I want to make is that most of those people who were against the bill were saying, well, this could happen, this may happen, this is probably going to happen.
Where's the definitive indication that it will happen?
When the other bill on WEPPA was introduced, with retroactive legislation, there was no going to the Supreme Court with that. When the asset-backed paper case went in in 2007, and that was retroactive legislation to favour the banks, there was no appeal to the Supreme Court on it.
So I think there's a lot of fearmongering, from my perspective--i.e., if we do that, then this is going to happen and people are going to object.
Let's look at the needs of Canadians and the needs of the seniors, the frail, the elderly. These are people who are in nursing homes right now who are going to have to leave their environments. They are going to have to go to other nursing homes that are cheaper. They're going to have to uproot from all of their contacts. The average age of our pensioners is 74, and with these seniors, this is very disruptive for them.